DemoCampHamilton1 Details
When: Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Where: Slainte Irish Pub (second floor), 33 Bowen Street Hamilton, Ontario
Tickets: Sign up here
DemoCamp is an event format that involves a keynote speaker, about 5 software demos which each consist of 5 minutes of actually demoing the software and 5 minutes of Q&A, followed by general socializing with the good company in attendance.
Submission of Demos
Demos can be submitted to: You will have an internet connection, a power outlet and a VGA input to a projector. You will have 5 minutes to demo your software, and 5 minutes for Q&A. Absolutely no power point or other slides during your presentation! Why? Well do you have working software or don’t you? Remember to answer the following questions in your submission:
- Who are you?
- What are you showing?
- What qualifies you?
- What do you get out of it?
- What does the audience get out if?
For an example of demos and answers to these questions, see this entry of DemoCampGuelph.
Keynote Speaker
Ali Asaria will be our keynote speaker. Ali is the CEO/founder of, Canada’s largest online health and beauty store. won the National Angel Organization award for being the best Angel-funded startup in Canada. He’s also known as ‘the guy that created brickbreaker’, a popular game that comes pre-installed on every Blackberry. A more complete bio can be found here, and we’ll post the title of his talk soon.
Demo 1
Who are you?
CartaNova – Andrew Holden and Rob Porter. Web designers for a long time, both raised in rural regions who found themselves in Hamilton eventually.
What are you showing?
Weever – an upcoming service that will quickly grab data from a website to generate HTML5 touch-interface “web apps” of said website for mobile devices on Android, iOS, Blackberry.
What qualifies you?
18 years of watching the web evolve with mass adoption and devolve with walled garden app stores.
What do you get out of it?
The experience of contributing to democracy and fairness on the web, and developing a cool project.
What does the audience get out it?
Hopefully the experience of seeing something cool, that opens up the web a bit more.
Demo 2
Who are you?
What are you showing?
Content Management System for end users and graphic designers.
What qualifies you?
We did it.
What do you get out of it?
We get a great kick out of showing it.
What does the audience get out if?
It shows what can you do with a good CMS.
Demo 3
Who are you?
Hannah McKinnon, founder of, Mum-trepreneur to 3 boys and one brand new company.
What am I showing? – a new, online business to business community that brings overstaffed and understaffed companies together, enabling them to directly lend / borrow / permanently transfer employees without an intermediary – and all for a very low annual membership fee.
What qualifies me?
More than a decade of experience in the HR & recruitment industry showed me companies needed a new way of managing their fluctuating staffing needs.
What do you get out of it?
Networking, promotion of and buy-in into the concept and hopefully more business.
What does the audience get out of it?
Learning about a great new way to manage human resources – companies can save literally thousands in idle time costs and recruitment fees, they can make fewer seasonal or project related redundancies. Employees gain different experience in a new environment, are given pro-active help to find a new job when redundancies are inevitable. Everybody wins.
Demo 4
Who are you?
Justin Hogeterp, President – Fluid Media Inc. –
What am I showing?
Coffeetablet – iPad app for creating and sharing “Coffeetable” books from photos and video
What qualifies me?
Developing software for Web and devices since 1990.
What do you get out of it?
Temporary satisfaction of chronic megalomania
What does the audience get out of it?
Demo of a home-grown application evolving to a mobile platform
Demo 5
Who are you?
I am Dan Zen, mad Inventor – creator of over 100 Web games, gadgets and communities.
What am I showing?
Opartica is an online Op Art tool that lets people create and fly through their op art in 3D.
What qualifies me?
I have been creating unique applications for more than 15 years.
What do you get out of it?
It is always wonderful to meet new people and be able to inspire and help others see what can be done.
What does the audience get out of it?
The audience will be given an example of a current Flash application that is a little more experimental than the usual presentation.