DemoCampHamilton12 Details
When: Wednesday June 19th, 2013 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm.
Tickets: Sign up here
DemoCamp is an event format that involves a keynote speaker, about 5 software demos which each consist of 5 minutes of actually demoing the software and 5 minutes of Q&A, followed by general socializing with the good company in attendance. Send inquiries to
Keynote Speaker
Dale Mugford (@DaleMugford) is President of Design & Product Experience for BraveNewCode’s (@BraveNewCode) products and services. He also provides direction for company communications. For over 15 years, he previously designed websites independently, notably working on cutting-edge web experiences for Canadian recording artists, authors, and businesses before co-founding BraveNewCode with Duane. In his spare time Dale enjoys meeting up with other creatives, doing a little fishing, & spending time with his fiancée and her son.
BraveNewCode is a Hamilton-based startup that amongst others are demonstrating that you can make a global product right here. This month they released their WordPress plug-in WPTouch Pro 3 that powers the mobile version of over 25 million WordPress websites, or 39% of total WordPress websites worldwide. BraveNewCode is also leading the charge on organizing Hamilton’s first WordCamp event (@WordCampHamOnt) along with Orbital.

Demo 1
FluidMedia will demo a Community Story Telling platform for schools, sports and families that prints top quality books with corresponding digital editions on mobile, tablet and web.
Demo 2
Sean Roberts (@sean_j_roberts) is going to show off a nifty command line interface Factor[e] (@factor_e) just developed that helps them develop websites faster than ever.
Demo 3 lets fans sell their favourite artist’s content in their own free online music store. Artists exchange unique rewards like meet and greets, tickets, merch or even a direct cut of their record sales to super fans that sell and promote their content for them.
Demo 4
MRX is a Digital Sports Solutions Company from Hamilton Ontario Canada. MRX provides a robust Content Management System for sports properties that allows them to update and share content across their League. Furthermore MRX offers many solutions for sports organizations and teams that they may not have internally, from analytics consulting to Digital Business Strategies.
Demo 5
Crate is a music player with an innovative remote control implementation that allows it to be controlled by any device with a recent browser on it. It’s great for people with iPod speaker docks, or for use at parties where you’d like to open up your music to your guests.
Demo 6
Jennifer Turliuk (@JenniferTurliuk) is a marketer, maker, entrepreneur, career coach, writer, DJ, kiteboarder and salsa dancer. She’ll be talking about how she and a team at ThinkHaus (@ThinkHausOrg) printed a 3D printer with a 3D printer.