When: Thursday June 16th 2016 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Where: McMaster Innovation Park @ 175 Longwood Road South
Keynote Speaker
Bob Young
Bob Young, a Hamilton native and successful technology entrepreneur, is the founder of Vernon Computer Rentals, Red Hat Inc, and Lulu Press Inc., among others. A recent start-up, Lulu Press Inc,, is an online print-on-demand, self-publishing and distribution platform based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. The company continues to create new and exciting ways of delivering more knowledge at lower cost to the global education oriented consumer.
In 1994, his work on open source software led to his co-founding of Red Hat Inc, now a NYSE traded company. As Co-founder and formerly CEO and Chairman of Red Hat from 1993-2000, Young was responsible for the early success of the business. Red Hat is credited with driving the global, industry-wide adoption of open source development practices. Young’s efforts developing Red Hat into a household name have won him prestigious honors such as Business Week Magazine’s “Top Entrepreneurs” in 1999.
Among his philanthropic projects: in 1999, he founded The Center for the Public Domain. More recently he and his wife are supporters of the Loran Scholarship Awards, He is also an enthusiastic supporter of The Dictionary Of Old English project,
Bob was introduced as the new owner and Caretaker of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats Football Club by the Canadian Football League on October 7, 2003. Of Young’s many accomplishments with the Tiger-Cats, the most significant was helping broker a deal for a new permanent home for the team. The success of that project resulted in the doors opening on the newly constructed Tim Hortons Field in September 2014.

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Demo 1
Digital Diatom will be presenting their first public demo of Emergence. Emergence is an interactive evolution sandbox, high in both media and science content. Powered by state of the art genetics and environmental simulations, emergence provides users with a dynamic living world that they may directly manipulate, to influence the evolution of 100,000s of organisms.
Demo 2
Everyone dies, but the sad truth is that not everyone lives… BuckitLife was born from this understanding, and from it we drive our motivation to inspire the world to achieve their wildest dreams, and help them do so. BuckitLife is an online platform that makes it easy, fast, and fun to discover new adventures, create your bucket list, purchase adventures, and live your life to the fullest!
Demo 3
Brüha is the new platform connecting you to the local events and venues in your area. Whether you are a tourist or a local resident, Brüha offers a fast and easy way to find out what’s going on in any town, city or region.
Demo 4
Tasytt invites you to meet Obie, the _first_ e-learning bot. Obie lives in Slack where he answers new hire questions, adds to your company knowledge base and deploys “flows”. Flows are kinda like drip-campaigns for learning. They can be used for new hire tasks, or to teach new processes and assign refreshers and reading lists.
Demo 5
Better Impact creates volunteer management software to help leaders of volunteers be as efficient as possible.
Are you interested in demo-ing? Fill out the application form to demo at this or a future DemoCamp event!