DemoCampHamilton3 Details
When: Wednesday September 28th, 2011 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. But show up at 6:00pm onwards to meet other people in the community!
Where: Twelve Eighty Pub @ McMaster University – 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario
Directions\Parking: It can be a bit tricky to find Twelve Eighty the first time – so please come early! Your best bet for parking on campus is to come in from the Sterling Street entrance and park in the lots next to the Student Centre. The Twelve Eighty pub is located just down the big set of stairs in the Student Centre – just ask any Mac student in the Student Centre and they’ll point you where to go!
Tickets: Sign up here
DemoCamp is an event format that involves a keynote speaker, about 5 software demos which each consist of 5 minutes of actually demoing the software and 5 minutes of Q&A, followed by general socializing with the good company in attendance.

Keynote Speaker
David Crow will be our keynote speaker. David is organizer of DemoCamp Toronto, Founders & Funders, StartupEmpire and other events, and author, noisemaker, attention grabber at StartupNorth.
Presentation title will be posted soon.
Demo 1
FluidMedia will be demoing SkinnyBoard, web-based software that helps agile project teams collaborate to get work done.
Demo 2
Who are you?
Jennifer Cameron, CEO of Verdant Analysis
What are you showing?
A demo of our financial analysis software.
What qualifies you?
I started my career on Bay Street, I’ve been doing accounting work and working toward my CGA designation for the past 5 years. I’m also an experienced entrepreneur. Verdant is the second company I’ve launched. HyperWALLET is the first, a online global payment company doing business in 50 countries, 25 currencies and 16 languages.
What do you get out of it?
Exposure to one of my key markets – finance students, please let the finance students know about us.
What does the audience get out of it?
IF you are a finance student, you get to learn about a very cool, time saving, mark improving application. If you are generally interested in business, I can share entrepreneurial insight. If you are a techie, my husband can talk about this with you.
Demo 3
Who are you?
Open Hamilton, a group of citizens committed to improving civic society by the use of and lobbying for open data from all levels of government.
What are you showing?
GRAF – the General Recreation Activity
An open data specification for recreational activities and facilities that will enable recreation providers (cities and non-profits) to release their information in a standard format for application developers. The specification is flexible and capable of representing numerous exceptions and special cases that exist within recreational activities and facilities.
What qualifies you?
Open Hamilton is one of Canada’s most active open data communities. Our members include citizens from numerous backgrounds both as developers and non-developers. Open Hamilton is working as part of the open data, open government movement to see the adoption of data standards.
What do you get out of it?
Increased exposure for Open Hamilton and GRAF which will result in feedback and new members
What does the audience get out if?
The audience gets an understand of data specification trends, the opportunity to provide feedback, and gain awareness of opportunities to give back to the community as part of the open data community.
Demo 4
Who are you?
Brad Ross & Mike Saniga are co-founders of Quant Interpretations, a Hamilton intelligence solutions company.
What are you showing?
Brad and Mike will be demonstrating our “QiiQ” consumer intelligence solution – a web-based interpretive solution that helps business owners and managers make better decisions: rich insights about consumers: where they live, how they live, how best to connect with them, and how to find others like them.
What qualifies you?
Brad is the inventor; he has been developing interpretive solutions since 2000 and worked directly with predictive analytics since 2006. Mike’s experience is in working directly with organizations of all types and sizes for 20+ years helping them make decisions the old-fashioned way. Brad and Mike work together to bring real-life solutions to commonly experienced business problems.
What do you get out of it?
Our enterprise solution is already in market; we are hoping to get validation / other feedback on the usability and content of our mid-market solution, launching in October 2011.
What does the audience get out of it?
This will introduce the audience to a new way of accessing market and consumer intelligence – possibly for their own businesses – a paradigm shift in a process that until now was exclusive to only the largest businesses in Canada.
Demo 5
Who are you?
Alex & Ruxandra Bucataru – Enthuzr co-founders
What are you showing?
Enthuzr – the social marketing platform that makes word of mouth marketing easy, more viral, and truly measurable.
What qualifies you?
Over 10 years of building software that makes marketing more efficient.
What do you get out of it?
Tough questions, feedback and word of mouth marketing
What does the audience get out if?
A powerful tool to generate traction for startups and accelerate customer acquisition for established businesses.
Demo 6
Who are you?
We are factor[e] design initiative, a design, web, print and multimedia studio located here in Hamilton.
What are you showing?
We are demonstrating HomeFinder (, a site for finding new and resale homes that is similar to MLS but designed to be much easier to use. We will provide a quick overview of the application, and then dive into some of the underlying technology and the challenges therein.
What qualifies you?
We have been developing websites and web applications for a decade as a company, and as individual software developers we have years of experience developing for the web.
What do you get out of it?
We’d like to hear people’s opinions on the website and develop a deeper understanding of what would encourage people to stop using MLS and start using a competitor product to find homes instead.
What does the audience get out of it?
Exposure to a real estate website that has almost as many local listings as MLS with a much improved user experience, and a quick glance at the complexities involved in taking on a project of this magnitude.