Hamilton’s GreenPixel crowdfunds new game

Hamilton indie gaming company Green Pixel (@GreenPixel) has started a crowdfunding campaign to develop a sequel to their game The Pocalypse Defense, based on The Pocalypse (@ThePocalpyse) webcomic. GreenPixel developer Rich Halliday was recently interviewed by Alex Pineda (@brainyweb), you can read the interview here. Joe Pendon explains what they have in store for The Pocalypse Defense 2 – RPG and Tower Defense in the video clip below:

Visit the funding campaign website here to make a contribution. Contributions start as low as $5, which gives you access to the game when its completed, and an increasing level of perks and bonuses such as beta access and in-game recognition dependent upon increasing your level of contribution.

Crowdfunding of Canadian startups is something Jim Rudnick (@JVRudnick) has advocated for in recent blog posts. While crowdfunding in exchange for equity in a startup may not be possible in Canada, the technique may still be very effective for video game startups that can give fans a copy of the game in exchange for funding (along with other great perks for fans willing to contribute even more). For example, Brian Fargo, founder of inXile Entertainment, raised $1.5-million from almost 30,000 people on Kickstarter to create a sequel to the post-apocalypse role-playing game Wasteland.

I wish GreenPixel the best with this fundraising effort and I hope that the Hamilton community can give them a boost as well… like Chris Farias (@kitestring) said the other day on Twitter – “shopping local doesn’t always mean buying a bag of potatoes”. Let’s shop local to fight post-apocalyptic brain-hungry zombies, Hamilton! 🙂


Kevin Browne

Editor of Software Hamilton.