McMaster Programming Challenge 2014

Are you ready to flex your programming muscle? The McMaster Programming Challenge is back!
Allowed langauges are: C, Clojure, C++, C#, D, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Lua, Objective C, OCaml, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python 2, Python 3, Ruby, Lisp, or Scala.
Free t-shirts for the first 85 competitors!
Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014
Time: 12noon – 5pm
Location: TBA
Cost: FREE!
(We will email you all the info you need for HackerRank closer to the date of the event)
The challenge is for any McMaster students interested in programming. Teams will consist of at least two or at most four students.
We will be using the HackerRank online marking system that checks your programs very quickly against our public and hidden test cases. Another advantage of this system is that you can track your place on the leaderboards in real-time. Lastly, time spent marking programs is almost non-existent!
The challenge will consist of approximately 10 problems and part marks will be given based on the number of test cases that are correct. These questions will vary between very easy and very difficult. We expect a fair amount of first year students to compete and all skill levels are welcome.
Challengers may use the internet during the competition mainly for accessing HackerRank, reading documentation, and reading things like Stack Exchange. Despite this, challengers must only submit code that is entirely their own.
For practice check out HackerRank, IEEE Xtreme, CCC, DWITE, ECOO and Project Euler.