FundHamOnt launches

Originally posted on


CrowdfundingWe thought that as we launched our new site, just a couple of days ago, that we’d put the same blog post about that launch up here on our for our readers to look over and see if the idea works for them too!

So…without further ado, here’s our launch notice…

After much insight over the years on how a new website gathers momentum when it comes to launch time, I know that the normal methods will not work for our own FundHamOnt site, not in the least…and that’s not a concern…

In fact, what we’re trying to do is to “soft launch” and for the most part we’re right on target. Consider what we’ve done and the rationale behind same…

We did not ask a for a single “prompted” Campaign – we felt (and still do) that for a site like this one it has to speak to our HamOnt citizens on it’s own and therefore must be as “un-prompted and real” as can be. From day one!

We have a local list of over 1000 Hamilton citizens we know personally who are involved in either a business, our startup community, our various mentoring groups, our post-secondary institutions, our local and regional media – reporters, editors, videographers, copy editors and yes friends and family too. In thinking about the real “who” to contact with the launch news, we drilled down on what we figured were the top 100 locally of same…so those folks got the site Launch Announcement you can see here if you’d like.

We also of course have fielded many “congrats” and “kudos” emails from many who were on that list – so thank you one and all…

We also have had some media attention (we’re waiting for the story in the next few days!) about what it is we’re attempting here with FundHamOnt and our own local business community – and that’s great.

Have we attracted any real live new Campaign Creators? Yes, and that’s an issue…in that we got 4 contacts with one of same entereing a brand new Campaign on the site – but there was a problem with these 4 “eager to get started” entrepreneurs….they were not from our own Hamilton area. All 4 were from the US with the “eagerest” of them being from Buffalo and while I did empathize with his startup needs….in all good conscience, we can’t get to any marketplace that is not HamOnt based – at least to start!

We turnd down those four and interestingly they were all American….hmm…is there a lesson there I wonder – but back to our own HamOnt community.

We’re up….we’re live…and yes, we’re looking for HamOnt businesses who need some seed money.

Got a new cupcake bakery opening up on James St North and need funds? Pick us. Got a software app for the iStore and need some capital to add an Android version too? Pick us. Need a new kiln for your pottery business or want to finance a trip to Montreal for an art conference? We can help.


No matter what the need, if you’re a Hamilton based business or citizen looking for crowdfunding….we’d love to help!