Hacker Saturdays with special guest Vikas Gosain of Maluuba



From Alex Pineda (@AlexPineda77) in the Hacker Saturdays newsletter…

This Saturday will mark the 20th Hacker Saturdays! [Insert something sentimental]. Thanks guys for making every other Saturday techy.

Recently Vikas Gosain, of Maluuba, asked to come down from Waterloo to showcase their voice technology and associated APIs. He’s very interested in finding talent in fields of NLP/ML, Android development as well as Java web development. I figured, we don’t really offer NLP jobs here in Hamilton so why not? They have great technology, about 50 staff, and a growing customer base full of awesome technology companies looking to leverage their tech. Spend the first hour chatting with Vikas if you please and the remaining two hours will be work as normal. Welcome Vikas!

Remember we’re at Brown Dog Cafe, 211 Locke Street S. Come fully charged.

When: Saturday September 13th from 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Where: Brown Dog Cafe @ 211 Locke Street South Hamilton, Ontario

Register: eventbrite.ca/e/hacker-saturdays-on-locke-tickets-9758364531