Talk by Denis Dyack this Thursday at McMaster
When: Thursday April 28th 2016 at 1:30pm
Where: Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship (first floor of Mills Library @ McMaster University)
“The Most Important Factor In Video Game Creation” by Denis Dyack
If you are thinking about making a video game, it is critically important to understand what is the most important factor in creating something that will resonate with gamers. There are many factors to consider from audio, visuals, technology, game play, and story. This talk will examine each one of these areas and determine which of them is the most important. This talk will also attempt to forward a universal theory for game design that transcends technology, platforms, and devices. A fundamental foundation that creators can use for any gaming project, an “Aristotle’s Poetics” for the games industry if you will.
Denis Dyack is the Chief Creative Officer of Quantum Entanglement Entertainment.
A video game industry veteran of more than 25 years, he founded Silicon Knights in 1992 creating titles such as Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, and Too Human. Denis is responsible for the direction of the brands across all mediums.
In 2011, Denis was inducted into the Canadian Game Developers Hall of Fame. Denis was awarded the Outstanding Achievement in Character or Story Development by Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences for his work on Eternal Darkness. Denis is known for his unique approaches and understanding of the video game medium; and has garnered multiple industry and business awards.
Denis is moved by the positive potential of converging media forms and is inspired to creating content that is original, challenging and engaging. Denis is a firm believer in ties between academia and industry, and has consulted or been on several advisory boards such as MIT, Waterloo University, Wilfred Laurier University, Brock University, McMaster University, and others to work in this regard. He has spoken on a variety of provocative topics from Engagement Theory, One Console Future, to Cloud Computing at conferences such as GDC, GDC Europe, Games Con, and DIG.
Denis has a B. Physical Education, H. BSc in Computer Science, M. Sc in Computer Science. Denis recently graduated from Miskatonic University with full honors in Quantum Theory believing one can never be educated enough to deal with the unknown.