Aaron Maxwell talk added to HamOnt ML
When: Saturday December 2nd 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm
Where: CoMotion On King at 115 King Street East (3rd floor), Hamilton, ON
Cost: $20 regular, $10 student
Register: eventbrite.ca/e/hamont-ml-tickets-38294716528
HamOnt ML is only a few weeks away now and more speakers are being added to the line-up each day – check out this talk from Aaron Maxwell!
Aaron Maxwell
Data Scientist, Paladin:Paradigm
Talk: Anomalous Flight Detection: Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods
Bio: Aaron has spent the last nine months working as a data scientist at Paladin:Paradigm, where he helps to use machine learning to build an artificial intelligence engine that can improve the way airline pilots are trained throughout the world. Prior to this, he spent six months as an intern at the Council of Canadian Academies using his skills in data analysis and visualization to help craft a report on the state of Canadian Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development. He’s a passionate science communicator, and an ex-astronomer, receiving his doctorate from McMaster University in 2015.