HamOnt ML adds talk from Jared Smith
When: Saturday December 2nd 2017 from 10:00am to 5:00pm
Where: CoMotion On King at 115 King Street East (3rd floor), Hamilton, ON
Cost: $20 regular, $10 student
Register: eventbrite.ca/e/hamont-ml-tickets-38294716528
HamOnt ML is only a few weeks away now and more speakers are being added to the line-up each day – check out this talk from Jared Smith who’s flying in from Oak Ridge National Laboratory!
Jared Smith
Cyber Security Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Talk: Beyond the Hype: Real Applications of Machine Learning in Security
Bio: From the foothills of Great Smokey Mountains, Jared is a Cyber Security Research Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the U.S. Department of Energy’s largest R&D laboratory, where he leads and collaborates on several R&D projects focused on securing modern computer networks, energy delivery systems, and vehicles. Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science while at ORNL, Jared is a Chancellor’s Graduate Fellow at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where his research focuses on Internet infrastructure resiliency and privacy-preserving methods of communication. Jared teaches data science, DevOps, and security at Treehouse and consults for both Fortune 50 companies and emerging Knoxville startups. Previously, Jared interned at ORNL and on the product security team at Cisco Systems, leveraged supercomputers and machine learning to discover IP risks in the patent ecosystem, and analyzed subatomic particle collisions produced from the Large Hadron Collider in CERN.