Mohawk Coding Competition

Mohawk College 135 Fennel Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Mohawk will be hosting its first annual programming competition open to all high school students All participants will receive a


The Big DiF

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Please join iF on Thursday, May 11, 2017 for The Big DiF! The Big DiF is Innovation Factory’s annual open

Electronics Hamilton meetup

The Pheasant Plucker 20 Augusta Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Hey all, hope you are well? Can you believe its been about a month since the first meetup? I figured

WordPress meetup

CoMotion on King 115 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Join us for our next meetup! Come and meet other WordPress users, developers, bloggers and more in and around Hamilton.

HTML/CSS Workshop for grades 4-8

Hamilton Public Library - Central Library (circuit 4.0 - zone 3) 55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

This is a beginner to middle level workshop for local Hamilton students in Grades 4-8. Have you ever thought of

Investor Pitch Event: The Best of The Forge

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Come hear the best and brightest new startups in Hamilton pitch at The Forge's annual investor pitch event, and make

Introduction to JavaScript (drawing, animation) Workshop

Hamilton Public Library - Central Library (circuit 4.0 - zone 3) 55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

  This is a beginner to middle level workshop for local Hamilton students in Grades 4-8. Have you ever wanted

Startup Soiree

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Startup Soiree is your chance to connect with The Forge's brand-new cohort of exciting tech startup companies.The aim is to