Hamilton tech podcasts: The New Biz

A couple months back a friend of mine asked me if there were any Hamilton-area podcasts about technology. At the time I wasn’t aware of any, but it turns out there are at least a couple and I’ll share them this week so more people in the community can be aware of them too!

One of these Hamilton-area tech-related podcasts is called The New Biz and is done by Geoff Campbell (@GeoffCampbell1) of Graphic Source. The New Biz covers startups in the Hamilton community, including a lot of the cool up-and-coming software startups in the area like Synxer and REfficient. The interviews themselves are done out of the Factory Floor space at McMaster Innovation Park and range from about 10 to 25 or so minutes in (commercial-free) length. Check out The New Biz podcasts below with some of the tech companies in Hamilton:

Stephanie McLarty (@REstephmcl) of REfficent (@REfficient)

Shelle Rose Charvet (@ShelleRoseCharv) of Weongozi

Brian Banks of Synxer (@SynxerTech)

Jim Rudnick (@JVRudnick) of Snap-Pay

Alex and Ruxandra Bucataru (@RuxBucataru) of Enthuzr (@Enthuzr)

Bilal Hussein of Nervu (@NervuNinja)

Stephanie Shuster (@stephshuster) of Innovation Factory (@itbeginswithIF)


Don’t forget to follow Graphic Source on Twitter (@GraphicSource) or their blog to keep up with the latest episodes of The New Biz!


Kevin Browne

Editor of Software Hamilton.