Call for speakers for 2020 Blocktech Connect conference in Hamilton

Unitralis will be hosting the 2nd annual Blocktech Connect conference in Hamilton Ontario on January 28, 2020 at the David Braley Centre at 100 Main St W from 8:30am-4:30 pm. They are seeking speakers on a variety of topics to present to the greater Hamilton community. They anticipate the same audience demographic from last year, which included the legal/accounting professional, business/technology professionals and entrepreneurs, and academia from the various institutions in and around Hamilton.

This year’s working theme is “How to thrive in a borderless, decentralized and localized world leveraging Blockchain, AI, and IoT” to stay current and relevant to ensure greater business success. With this seed planted, speakers should be prepared to provide a presentation that demonstrates one and/or all three aspects of the theme. Presentations can be as little as 15 minutes up to 45 minutes in length and must ensure that it is not a sales pitch. Relevant and factual presentations demonstrating a use case are most highly desirable. Panels are also welcome.

Click here to submit your presentation.

Alternatively, if you wish to do a pitch, they have several paid 10-minute spotlight sessions throughout the day. For more information, please contact Unitralis at