ELEV8 Pitch Night

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton

Save the date for our fall ELEV8 Pitch Night! ELEV8 has companies who have a product in-market (or close to

ELEV8 Pitch Night

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton

Save the date for our fall ELEV8 Pitch Night! ELEV8 has companies who have a product in-market (or close to launch)

Freelancer Meetup 4th Anniversary

The Pheasant Plucker 20 Augusta Street, Hamilton

Can you believe Hamilton Freelancers is already 4 years old?  Neither can we! Come out and celebrate with us in

ACTION Conference 2017

Ron Joyce Centre 4350 South Service Road, Burlington

The ACTION Conference is the national startup conference in Canada that focuses on the active-learning delivery of critical entrepreneurial skills

$150 – $500

HIVE X Impact Conference

Lincoln Alexander Centre 160 King Street East, Hamilton

HIVEX is the largest young professional conference in the Golden Horseshoe area, gathering 300+ YPs, community members, and city leaders

Product Hunt Global Hackathon

McMaster Innovation Park 175 Longwood Road South, Hamilton

We're hosting the #HamOnt chapter of the Product Hunt Global Hackathon! Come work on your side project and be among

Blockchain meetup: chat about bitcoin

CoMotion on King 115 King Street East, Hamilton

Welcome to Hamilton's first-ever Bitcoin and Blockchain meetup! This is a casual networking event suitable to beginners and experts alike.

GameDevDrinks Demo Night

The Pheasant Plucker 20 Augusta Street, Hamilton

Hey GDDers, We invite all of you within or curious about our game development community to come and join us